So, you want to vacation in the state of Florida, but you don't know where or when. It's easy, right.
Just get on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, access a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, or DuckDuckGo, enter "Florida vacation" in the search bar, and viola' your search has begun.
It's that simple, right?
Um, maybe not.
Case study
We entered the keywords "Florida Vacation" into our search bar, and here's what we saw.
The first thing that pops up is a list of websites along with a Google Map of Florida telling us all about the state.
The top three websites that appear are an Airbnb site, a Dream-Vacation-Florida site, and a Gulf Side Resorts site that includes a toll-free number. These websites have the word "Ad" before their URLs.
Then, Florida's popular destinations display next. Complete with beautiful pictures, highlights of the destination, and the cost of air and lodging from your location.
Our search listed Miami, Orlando, Walt Disney World Resort, and Key West.
Next, there was a "People also ask" section which listed questions like:
- What is the nicest part of Florida to vacation in?
- What is the number one vacation spot in Florida?
- How much would it cost to go to Florida?
- How much would it cost to go to Florida for a week?
The "People also ask" section was followed by another five websites followed by an "Images for Florida vacation" section that included images and keywords like Beach, Orlando, Family, Disney, Key West, and Miami.
Following the image section, is a list of another 21 websites about Florida vacations.
Finally, a section called "Related searches," which includes additional keyword searches rounds out the first search engine result page (SERP).
Not so simple, right?
Just typing in those two keywords "Florida Vacation" resulted in more than what you needed.
Some say that your simple search just got a whole lot harder.
In an attempt to be everything to everybody, Google makes a simple task a lot harder and adds more time and effort to a simple search. But, hey, they're Google, the kings of search engines.
Also, keep in mind that when a page is optimized on Google, it is optimized for most of the other search engines.
The details? I have no clue
Many of us are clueless about what happens behind the scenes of a search leading to one website's position over another.
It's kind of like looking at your watch. You look at your watch to see the time and the date, but how it accurately keeps time every day is a mystery to most of us.
The same thing happens when we search for content on the internet. However, there's a lot of complex processes that are going on behind the scene.
Sometimes it's better to leave the complexities to a Florida SEO company, but here are some things about search engines and search engine optimization that you might want to know.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process that improves website ranking on a search engine's search results page for particular search terms or keywords.
Leveraging this process moves a website up on the SERP, improving visibility and increasing traffic to your website. Studies show that a company's leads and sales improve when they move up on the results page. After all, who doesn't want to be on top, and everyone is vying for the top spots.
However, it gets even more complex.
You see, searches on Google depend on hundreds of factors divided into On-page and Off-page optimization. On-page optimization techniques controlled by a website owner are done to get a high ranking on the SERP. Off-page optimization, not controlled by a website owner, improves a website's popularity and authority.
Trust us. It gets even more complicated.
Search engine algorithms (things that determine a website's SERP position) are not public and can be changed hourly or daily. And because search engines like Google's algorithms are private, no standard practice is found to achieve effective search engine optimization.
This is where a Florida SEO company can come in handy.
How can a Florida SEO company help?
Many SEO companies provide a four-phase approach to improving the visibility and ranking of a website on the SERP.
- Phase one – consists of developing a list of keywords and/or phrases
- Phase two – Is concerned with quickly getting search engines to index the site
- Phase three – The webmaster or Florida SEO company expert manipulates various On-page components improving the site SERP
- Phase four – Search engines consider the number of relevant links from external sites to target the sites.
Simply put, search engine optimization is a strategic technique that takes a web document to the top of a SERP. The online presence of a business is an easy way to reach and target users and may be profitable as long as optimization is done with the user in mind.
Most users search for keywords rather than a business name. Therefore keywords are essential to an SEO plan and improving the SERP position.
A Florida SEO company can play an enormous role in your business's marketing plan. They are aware of the White-Hat tactics necessary to get results.
The SEO company's goals for your site are:
1- Get the website listed on the top of the SERP
2- Build an interactive, user-friendly website
3- Create a website rich in graphics to enhance the target audience
4- Decrease competition of your business
5- Understand the abilities and limitations of search engines.
The information detailed above barely scratches the surface of the complex world of search engine optimization. This is why in today's fast-paced world of online searching, it's best to leave everything up to the experts.
And what about that funny word "Ad" that precedes the first three website URLs.
What do they mean?
When you see the "Ad" symbol preceding a website URL, it means that Google earns lots of money by charging those companies advertising dollars to appear in the top three sites on a search engine results page.
Simple? no – Complex? yes.